Pastor's Blog

Guide for In-Person Sunday Services


As a Consistory we have revised the guidelines as more people come to church for in-person services. Small group fellowship may take place at the tables in the fellowship hall and can include coffee and/or cookies with someone serving with safe practices. Please be aware that these guidelines, along with our plans, are tentative and will be based on information as we receive it on a day-to-day basis. Please stay up to date via the bulletins and email announcements.

Entry into Church:

  1. If you have any symptoms please don’t enter. For example having a fever. 
  2. Hand sanitizer stations will be by the fellowship hall sanctuary doors.
  3. The fellowship hall sanctuary doors will have stations to deposit offerings. 

Regarding the Service:

  1. There will be no passing of plates. 
  2. For those who choose not to attend, we will still be live streaming the service on YouTube, Facebook and on the Radio on FM 89.1 

Regarding Time at Church:

  1. Coffee, juice and snacks are now served with safety guidelines such as servers are asked to wear a mask and gloves while serving. Sanitizer will available nearby
  2. Please keep exit pathways cleared, for people trying to keep social distanced. 
  3. Be Respectful, Keep Distance, Practice Good Hygiene, Please Don’t Judge!
  4. About Masks see city guidelines. 
  5. Sanctuary will be deep cleaned once a week.
  6. Attendance will be recorded. This is in case someone from church gets Covid-19 we can track who was next to that person.