Pastor's Blog

Giving Tuesday

I was reminded by a congregation member that today is Giving Tuesday. For those who don’t know, Giving Tuesday started years ago with the desire that during a time where people spend a lot of money on Black Friday or Cyber Monday, that there should be a day where the focus is pointing towards people using their money not just on themselves but also to help others. As Christians I think this is a wonderful idea, especially with a desire to build God’s kingdom through supporting organizations that seeks to spread the Gospel of Jesus, seek God’s justice or seek to love others in Jesus name.

This past Sunday I used an illustration that talked about how God fills us with so many things like his love, and challenge people not to let it overflow and go to waste, but to go and pour into others the good things God has given you, like the promise of salvation in Jesus.
This illustration reminds me of what this desire to pour into others is rooted in, which is God’s character. We see this explored in Psalm 103. In verse eight this is how God is described, “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.” I encourage you to read Psalm 103, because in it we see how God loves his people and this world even when they don’t deserve it, and this abundance is overflowing. We are also called to praise him, obey him and to do his will as his servants. Just as Jesus praised his father, he too sought to serve and obey God in all things, to the point he gave everything, even his life, to serve God and serve others in love.
Today through faith in Jesus, I would encourage you to give to an organization that seeks to do God’s will. Give to church, or give to one of many organizations, or individuals, but no matter what, don’t forget your call to give of yourselves as living sacrifices.
Romans 12:1, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God–this is your true and proper worship.”

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