Pastor's Blog

Note to Riverview Church Family

Hello Riverview Reformed Church family,


I wanted to update you all on what the plan is for Sunday Services. The Elders met last Thursday to talk about our plan for in person services. It was decided at that meeting to try meeting in person May 17. We then met as a Consistory this past Monday to further flesh out what this will look like. Attached is a document outlining these guidelines for what it would look like to meet in person. This will also be hung up in the church as well. 


I want to stress while we are offering in person services, we ask people to do what is best for their own health and those they interact with regularly. If they are in an at risk category please consider not coming in person but joining in with the many other streaming options or on the radio in the parking lot. Those showing symptoms of some sort like having a fever, please stay home. Please use a mask if you need to. We are still offering live streaming services on YouTube and Facebook. You can also still come to our parking lot and listen to the radio FM stations 89.1. Whatever you decide we ask for grace, be respectful to one another and don’t judge.


Lastly please understand this is the decision we are making for this Sunday. We have made a plan and guidelines understanding things can change day to day so we will adjust as we need to. If you have any questions feel free to contact the church office. Please remember grace and mercy with all of this, we are in unprecedented times. Please be in prayer for everyone from church during this time. 


If you know of anyone who doesn’t have email, text or who isn’t on Facebook, we ask that you help us to contact them. To let them know of the cancellations and what options they have to participate with us in worship. We have also had a few people visiting our church who we might not know who or how to contact so please think of those people as well. 


We will not be handing out bulletins in person. There is a bulletin to access online so you can keep up with what is going on with our church family. Found here,


Other options for viewing, for those who don’t have internet access please feel free to participate in worship with us by tuning into the Public Access channel to watch Riverview’s service on Saturday at 7 pm. We have been notified of this service not being played all the way through, we have contacted people about getting this fixed.  If you are not able to do any of these options, I would invite you to please watch a service as there are many on TV Sunday morning. 


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Jake


Guide for In-Person Sunday Services

As a Consistory we have set these guidelines as we open church up to in-person services. Please be aware that these guidelines, along with our plans, are tentative and will be based on information as we receive it on a day-to-day basis. Please stay up to date via the bulletins and email announcements we will send out about what things will look like from week to week. 


Entry into Church:

  1. Doors will open at 9:10 am, Ushers (Elders for this week) will arrive at 9 am
  2. Main doors for entry will be the front door and the north kitchen door. 
  3. If you have any symptoms please don’t enter. For example having a fever. 
  4. Hand sanitizer stations will be by the fellowship hall sanctuary doors.
  5. The fellowship hall sanctuary doors will have stations to deposit offerings. 
  6. There is blue tape on carpet as you enter the church marking 6 feet distance 


Regarding Seating: 

  1. We will be having elders ushering people to their seats.
  2. We will be seating people every two pews starting from the front and work back.
  3. We will be seating people from the center aisle. 
  4. Overflow will go into the fellowship hall.
  5. Back pews will be reserved for handicap and other individuals. 
  6. Balcony will be reserved for families with kids.


Regarding the Service:

  1. There will be no passing of plates. There will be no greeting time.
  2. When the service is over, please wait for Ushers to come dismiss you.
  3. For those who choose not to attend, we will still be live streaming the service on YouTube, Facebook and on the Radio on FM 89.1


Regarding Time at Church:

  1. No fellowship time; coffee and juice will not be served. No bulletins for this Sunday
  2. Areas are roped off to limit the space available to access.
  3. Be Respectful, Keep Distance, Practice Good Hygiene, Please Don’t Judge.
  4. Masks are optional, but encouraged for those with health concerns, Usher will have masks available. 
  5. Sanctuary will be deep cleaned once a week.
  6. Hy-Vee cards will not be sold on Sunday, however you can continue to get them during the week by contacting Pastor Jake or Teresa.
  7. An Usher will take a picture to record where everyone sits. This is in case someone from church gets Covid-19 we can track who was next to that person.