Prayer Team
This team is still in the development phases. They will be guided by the booklet: “My House Shall be a House of Prayer” and other resources as they may deem important to the development of this task.
The primary responsibility shall be to coordinate and empower the development of prayer as an integral part of the life and ministry of this congregation.
Everyone is invited to offer their services to this Ministry Team when they feel they are able to contribute. Email the Church office, , to get involved. Please indicate the easiest way for us to contact you about your interest.
Contact the Church Office if you are interested in serving on any of our Ministry Teams. Please indicate which team you are interested in.
Meeting Times and Places
Ministry teams will meet generally three or four times annually. One in late summer before the fall schedule begins, then a second meeting during the fall. A third is scheduled early winter and finally once more after Easter.
The meetings are usually held on Sunday evenings and will last no more than an hour and a half. With all the team meetings at the same time and in the same place we can coordinate ministry opportunities together.