Pastor's Blog

Devotion from Luke 24:13-35

Christ is Risen!


On Sunday we celebrated how Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Joanna and others found Jesus’ tomb was Empty. We were called to remember Jesus’ words that he had to be delivered into the hands of sinners, crucified and on the third day be raised from the dead. I also hope we are filled with wonder that all Peter found with strips of linen and not Jesus’ body in the empty tomb. In Luke 24:13-35, we hear of an appearance Jesus made to two disciples on their way to Emmaus. 


These two disciples were kept from recognizing Jesus, even as they were discussing all that happened in the past few days concerning him. Jesus then calls them foolish for not believing everything the prophets had spoken, about him, the Messiah that he had to suffer and then enter his glory. Jesus then goes on to share with them from the beginning with Moses and all the prophets about what they say concerning himself. 


After completing their journey to Emmaus they urged Jesus to join them. Over the meal as Jesus broke bread, gave thanks and gave it to them, only then were their eyes opened to their Savior, Jesus the Messiah. They then went back to Jerusalem to tell the disciples and all who were with them what had happened. I always imagine them running as fast as they could to tell of the news of Jesus’ appearance.


My prayer for us is that may God help us to not forget what we celebrate on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday or Easter. Instead may we remember that Jesus came as our king and savior to suffer for us by his body being broken and blood shed for us! May we not forget that he has indeed risen, appearing to many people, and pray that we see his presence in our lives, even today. May we recognize God’s presence in lives in the past, present and future as he walks with us I believe daily. 


From the Pastor